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We in the Midwest: New music from Midnight Conspiracy, Mic Terror, and British Knights

Posted on February 7th, 2010 by eric

[audio: Conspiracy – Delorean Nites (Mix Tape).mp3]

The new Midnight Conspiracy mixopens up with the Mixhell remix of that Samantha Fu track with the “drugs, dirty dancing, and pounding techno music” chorus that has become a punchline/rallying cry for a lot of Chicago’s dance party community.  The mix goes on with Yuksek and Amanda Blank, Designer Drugs, The Presets, La Roux, and Midnight Conspiracy’s remixes of Chromeo and Esser.

The mix is a promo for their new monthly party, Delorean Nights at Lincoln Hall, so it’s kind of a showcase for the mixes by Designer Drugs, who play the inaugural party, and Midnight Conspiracy. One of the standout tracks is their italo take on Chromeo’s “Night by Night”, that turns it into a big, Giorgio Moroder-esque epic dance track.

You can download the Delorean Nights mix and “Night By Night” from Midnight Conspiracy’s Soundcloud

[audio:Earthquake (Disco Death Threat i wis(2).mp3]

Disco Death Threat is a collaboration between British Knights and Ephraim from KDM. Their first track is a a remix of Little Boots’ “Earthquake” . It’s a weird song to start with, where the kinda-intimate, kinda-poetic lyrics, don’t necessarily match the production, which work them into a full club track that is just very BIG, like Lady Gaga-and-Cher diva big. The way the lyrics are cut up and looped in the remix meld the vocals to the track a little more. She sounds less like a diva, and more like a sentient robot girl experiencing pain. Oddly, this makes her sound more human to me. The countless nights feel like more of a repeated series of events than a literary device. I don’t know if I’m ever going to listen to the song on it’s own, so I don’t know if it warrants a critique like this (I would probably never do the same thing for, say, “Shake and Pop”) but as part of a mix, I favor this version over the original.

British Knights is producing like a motherfucker right now. You can find this, as well as a wobble remix he did for Cobra Krames and a trapstep remix he did of Young Jeezy, over at his soundcloud


There’s a joke from Dave Chappelle’s classic “Killing Them Softly” special about Bill Clinton ad Monica Lewinsky, that goes *paraphrasing* something like “How famous do you have to be, that you can transfer your fame sexually? Like ‘Suck my dick, there’s a future in it for you.'”

This is a central conceit of Mic Terror’s song “I’m Famous”. It’s a good primer for Mic Terror, whose track “Juke Dem Hoes” is legendary in some circles, but who might not be SO famous that everybody’s heard of him: he’s a fun dude, he’s a conspiracy theorist, and he likes to fuck. The video is full of familiar faces like Willy Joy, Aja Monet, Million $ Mano, and Hollywood Holt and familiar Chicago scenery (Harold’s!). Produced by Maja 7th, Fly Kite Media and Fake Shore Drive, it’s got a mid 90s kind of beat, with a keyboard line straight out of “Natural Born Killaz”

Check out a bunch more tracks and videos on Mic Terror’s myspace
Find out more info on The Breakout, Fake Shore Drive’s collabo with Maja 7th at Fake Shore Drive.